The final installment of our three-part series on Tormach’s xsTECH focuses on one of the most critical aspects of CNC machining: setting up origins. Domenic Giunta, Tormach EDU sales advisor, walks us through the process of establishing the X, Y, and Z origins using both a manual feeler gauge and the electronic tool setter (ETS). Accurate origin setup ensures your machine understands where to start, providing precision and efficiency for your classroom projects.
Understanding the Cartesian Coordinate System
CNC machines like the xsTECH rely on the Cartesian coordinate system to navigate their toolpaths. The machine reads G-code instructions relative to an origin point, which you establish before starting any job. This origin acts as the “zero” point for the X, Y, and Z axes.
For example, if your origin is set at the top-left corner of your stock material, the machine will interpret all coordinates in relation to that point. Properly establishing this origin is vital for ensuring that cuts, drill paths, and milling operations occur in the intended locations.
Setting X and Y Origins
To set the X and Y origins manually, start by securing your stock material. Next, use the feeler gauge method to align your end mill with the stock’s edges.
Begin with the X-axis. Slide a piece of paper between the end mill and the stock, gently lowering the tool until the paper no longer moves freely. This marks the edge of the material. Adjust the machine’s software to account for the tool’s diameter (e.g., subtract half the tool diameter if the edge of the tool is aligned with the stock). Repeat the same steps for the Y-axis.
Establishing the Z Origin
The Z origin determines the height of the tool relative to the stock’s surface. For manual setup, use the same feeler gauge method as the X and Y axes. Gradually lower the tool onto the stock until the paper no longer moves freely, and set this point as the Z origin in PathPilot.
With the ETS, place the probe between the stock and the tool, and use the software to establish the Z offset automatically. This ensures a precise starting point for the tool’s depth, minimizing errors during milling. See Part 2 of our series for more information.
Wrapping Up: Accurate Origins for Precise Milling
Accurately setting up X, Y, and Z origins is essential for achieving precision in CNC machining. Whether you use the feeler gauge method or the ETS, the xsTECH’s versatility ensures that educators can teach these fundamental concepts effectively.
This concludes our three-part xsTECH series. With origins established, your machine is ready to mill projects with accuracy and confidence. Be sure to explore Tormach’s additional resources and videos to deepen your CNC knowledge.
If you're interested in additional training on the xsTECH, you can sign up for our xsTECH training through NC3's (National Coalition of Certification Centers) Train the Trainer series. The 3-day session delivers valuable xsTECH training, curriculum, and certification opportunities to support career and technical education nationwide.