NC3 Signing Day

Students Take the Next Step in Their Career During NC3 National Singing Day

All across the country, more than 65 National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) Leadership Schools hosted the NC3 National Letter of Intent Signing Day, which is designed to honor new and prospective career and technical education (CTE) students who are entering a technical field and celebrate the dignity of their hard work. Tormach is a proud partner of NC3 and showed full support for these students, as they embark on their journey toward technical excellence and career fulfillment, during signing day events across the country.

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What is NC3 Signing Day?

Just as athletes who commit to play a college sport are valued, the NC3 Signing Day ceremony recognizes students who are entering a technical field and emphasizes the importance of their career choice. During the signing day events, participating students and family members can interact with potential future employers and learn more about high-demand jobs in dynamic industries.

Tormach employees attended signing day at various high schools and technical colleges to show support to students and offer career advice in STEM fields. Tormach employees were on hand at the following schools:

  • Pitt Community College – Winterville, NC
  • Daley College – Chicago, IL
  • Gateway Technical College – Kenosha, WI
  • TCAT-Memphis – Bartlett, TN
  • Wasilla High School – Wasilla, AK

"It was a pleasure to be representing Tormach at Pitt Community College (Winterville, NC) for NC3 National Signing Day. We celebrated not only the students' decision to pursue technical education but the bright future that awaits them in fields like aerospace, robotics, automotive and even healthcare," Heather Curtis, Director, Sales and Marketing for Tormach said. "As each of these students embark on their exciting career journey, we wanted to remind them that they are stepping into roles that are critical for innovation and progress. They are the builders, the designers, the problem solvers of tomorrow."

Tenn College

Tormach Field Service Technician, Stefan Leinberg, provided some words of encouragement to students during NC3 National Signing Day
at Tennessee College of Applied Technology.

In addition to Tormach's involvement, all of NC3’s global industry partners, as well as local area businesses, community leaders and each participating school’s own corporate partners, proudly took part in this year’s National Signing Day to show support and provide information to students and their families. Each participating school’s event was live-streamed and tied together by nationwide simulcasts, culminating in a massive, nationwide celebration of these students and CTE.

"I was honored to represent Tormach at Wasilla High School at this year’s event and celebrate these students and their chosen career paths,” said Domenic Giunta, Education Success Advisor for Tormach. "As Tormach continues to work to broaden STEM education and foster new career and technical training avenues in advanced manufacturing, days like NC3 National Signing Day makes us excited for the talent and curiosity the next generation of skilled professionals will contribute to our growing industry.”

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What CTE certifications does Tormach offer?

Tormach offers two CNC-focused certifications with the NC3 that include pre-built curriculum for teachers who are looking to add value to their STEM programs. One course covers CNC fundamentals using our xsTECH tabletop CNC router while the other takes those skills further with our 24R router. By completing these courses and earning these certifications, students can explore new employment opportunities from aerospace and robotics to automation and even the medical field.

How to add CTE certifications to your school

To learn more about Tormach and how to add its NC3 STEM curriculum and CNC certification programs to your school, click the button below.