New Knifemaking Workshop for CNC

  On November 6-9, Tormach is offering something we think is absolutely unique—a specialty workshop taught by knifemaking experts John and Erik of Grimsmo Knives. Called “CNC for Knifemakers,” the 3.5 day class will be held in the Tormach workshop in Madison, Wisconsin. 


Teaching Integrated Manufacturing: PCNC 770 + 5 Axis Robot

Manufacturing Education is one of our passions here. Smart, well-rounded manufacturing professionals are needed around the world to solve the problems of tomorrow. Exposing students to hands-on manufacturing with real tools is essential, but too often neglected in the structure of formal engineering education. Improving this is what's at the core of our PCNC 770/Robotic work cell project.


Showcase Winner: Ed's Model Air Engine

Ed Hanyzewski from Pelican Rapids, MN stopped by the office a few weeks back and dropped off plans and pictures for a small model engine. He uses this as a project for introducing young kids to machining and manufacturing methods.

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