As a part of our on-going Fab Lab Skill Builder Series, here's a short tutorial on how to properly set up a boring head for ID (inner diameter) boring.
As a part of our on-going Fab Lab Skill Builder Series, here's a short tutorial on how to properly set up a boring head for ID (inner diameter) boring.
20-Sided Machining What's an Icosahedron? Tormach PCNC 770 Owner Chris Moller recently programmed a 20-sided part to cut on his 4th Axis with SprutCAM.
We're ready to begin the long awaited beta test for our ATC. If you're interested, we have a very (with a capital "V", that is!) limited number of beta units available.
CNC TTS PCNC 1100 PCNC 770 Coolant CNC Cookbook Milling cut Steel cutting video machining Stainless Steel Aluminum
Perhaps one of the few topics that isn't done justice on the internet (in my slightly biased opinion, at least) is metal cutting - especially from a novice perspective. A few months ago, I was surprised to realize that some of our most popular Youtube videos have been aimed towards beginners.
Making Sense out of Tool Pull out Greg mentioned last week that we were putting the finishing touches on a report about collet slip. Why? It just always bugged us when we heard about it, as its been our strong belief that with a properly maintained system, pull out shouldn't happen.