Tormach Blog

Reality Tormach TV: Knifemaking Tuesdays with Grimsmo Knives

Written by Andrew Grevstad | May 31, 2012 3:00:20 PM

This is too cool.   If you're into CNC machining, this is great.  If you're into knife making, this is also great.  If you're into both - then it probably doesn't get much better than this :) Introducing Knifemaking Tuesdays John (and Erik) Grimsmo make small-batch production knives and accessories out of their garage in Ontario, Canada, and sell their wares on

By design or by accident, they also make pretty interesting television (full disclosure: Tormach is a sponsor).  Knifemaking Tuesdays is here - an absolutely unique web series on designing, prototyping, machining, and marketing of the Norseman, Grimsmo's first completely custom knife, as well as his aftermarket accessories for production knives by Spyderco, Emerson, and other manufacturers. Now, on to the Show... Episode Description:  Week 28 - Blades! Waterjet Handles, Blade Fixture This week I got to pick up even more cool stuff from the waterjet place, a ton of titanium handles! They also gave me a tour of the shop and let me shoot a bit of video, unfortunately not of knife stuff but of some other project they're working on. My brother Erik and I spent Tuesday and Wednesday finish up the huge fixture plate for making blades, and after a few huge goof ups it finally works. Setting it up on the Tormach we tested out the code for cutting one blade, making sure that it's perfect before we multiply it across the whole fixture and potentially screw up 12 blades. We made 3 test blades, all mostly good but with room for improvement. The new toroid endmill that we're using to create the edge geometry rocks the house! Leaves a super nice surface finish and removes a lot of material quickly. These blades are RWL34 Swedish stainless steel. Once we go through a few runs of handles then we can take them to heat treat this coming monday.   [youtube][/youtube] Make sure to subscribe to the playlist so you don't miss future episodes. [singlepic id=469 w=320 h=240 float=none] Machined and anodized Blade Handles [singlepic id=470 w=320 h=240 float=none] Shaping a Hollow Ground Blade with Tormach PCNC 1100 [singlepic id=472 w=320 h=240 float=none] "Scales" Patten Blade Handles You can see Grimsmo Knives at the upcoming  Blade Show, June 8-10 in Atlanta, GA .  In the meantime, catch up with them here (including 6 more episodes):  Knifemaking Tuesday's sponsored by Tormach