Still digging out from an excellent show at Cabin Fever last weekend. For those who don't know, Cabin Fever is the largest Model Engineering Expo in North America. It was our first time there, and we had a blast. Both our demo machines found new homes, and along the way we got to talk with many very talented craftsmen - almost all the models at the show would be at home in a museum. Here's a A few of the highlights to share with those who weren't lucky enough to attend: Of course, the Tormach Booth was busy. The star was our PCNC 1100 Series 3 with an ATC. We also had a PCNC 770 with 4th-axis and SprutCAM demos running all day long. Here's Greg chatting in front of the booth. But the real stars were the models. Check out this Scratch Built at D9 Bulldozer with working Hydraulics!
And lots of Trains! This one's a bit longer, but you've gotta admit, these Model Live Steam trains are cool!
However, My absolute Favorite model at the show was this 1/16 scale 9W Bucyrus-Monighan Dragline Crane. Here's it loading some of the other Dump Trucks in the Pit.
And it Walks! I did a little online searching and found a great build log of the model as well. Check it out - it turns out the the model only took 9 years to build. In any event, I'm impressed. Cabin Fever Returns April 2013. See you there!