This week we celebrate turkey day, or Thanksgiving for those who prefer more classical phrasing. While we all love our families and are thankful for good health and good food, there are some things that machinists seem to be specifically thankful for. I’m sure I missed a few things here, but here’s my shortlist of what machinists tend to be thankful for…
1. Haimer
Almost every machinist who owns a 3D sensor by Haimer says they don’t know how they ever managed without one. Our team of machinists at Tormach are incredibly thankful for the sensor because it helps to quickly and precisely indicate edges, surfaces, or hole centers. If you aren’t thankful for a Haimer, you haven’t used one.
2. Power Drawbar
While this might seem like a luxury add-on for some machinists, those who have added this accessory don’t know what they did without it. Not only does a power drawbar make it so you can utilize an automatic tool changer, it also speeds up the entire tool change process. What’s more, it eliminates the need to constantly open your spindle door when changing tools. It’s worth every penny, and then some.
3. Conversational Programming
We live in the world of CNC, which usually includes CAD and CAM to make anything. But, sometimes you just want to drill a few holes or machine out a simple pocket. Conversational programming streamlines simple machining tasks, so you don’t have to sit at a computer to calculate CAD/CAM to make basic cuts.
4. That End Mill at the Bottom of the Drawer
Machining is about precision, but sometimes we break end mills. Sometimes we break lots of end mills. Sometimes we break all our end mills, and we have to go on a hunt for anything that will fit in the collet to finish up a cut. So, I’m often thankful for that last hold-out end mill at the bottom of the drawer. The end mill that has been hiding until it’s day to shine.
5. Haimer Tips
While the Haimer 3D Sensor is something to be thankful for, it isn’t a cheap tool to own. That’s why the tips are designed to break away… in case you accidentally move in the wrong axis or bump the jog wheel. Haimer tips are essential, and more often than not, they’re life savers. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!