If you can't find it, you don't really own it. When organization isn't a shop priority, it costs time -- and time = money. Organizing your shop is an investment, which means it's not always cheap. Here are six tips we've implemented that can help!
NYC CNC Page: http://bit.ly/2zOrsKn
Huot Storage Bins | http://bit.ly/2OC1l1z
Bother P-Touch Label Maker | https://amzn.to/2IkSn35
Kaizen Foam | https://amzn.to/2OojNdX
Schaller Bins | http://bit.ly/2IBQvTK
TTS Tool Racks | http://bit.ly/2O04loS
Tool Carts | https://thd.co/2NW9MVP
Jay Pierson Lean Manufacturing | http://bit.ly/2OxcoJg
How We Use KANBAN at NYC CNC | http://bit.ly/2NYxBwj
Ultimate Machine Shop Toolbox Organization http://bit.ly/2KHTBox
Pierson Workholding Shop Tour | http://bit.ly/2LBjnfP