Tormach’s 2015 open house (#Tormach2015) went off with resounding success. Tormach’s technical staff spent the day giving seminars and presentations on various aspects of the Tormach machinery, and guests mulled through an Open House Only Sale. John Grimsmo and John Saunders made an appearance, and gave a joint presentation discussing how they succeed in their businesses with their Tormach machine tools. Grimsmo also gave a talk on knife-making and the challenges he’s encountered while producing high-end blades.
Since every qualified Tormach purchase now comes with a free, year-long seat of Fusion 360, Autodesk provided a hands-on walkthrough of their software. Curt Chan and Jeremy Stadtmueller took the time to show several interested Tormach users, and potential users, how Autodesk’s CAD/CAM package works with the PCNC series mills. Over 200 guests made domestic, national, and even international trips to see what the world of personal CNC is all about. Needless to say, there was a lot going on around Tormach, and we’re interested to know what you thought.
If you attended this year, visit our 2015 Open House Recap page, and let us know what worked, what didn’t, and what you’d like to see in the future. If you didn’t make it to Wisconsin this year, let us know what you’d like to see if you were to make the trip.