Diamond Drag Engravers

As some readers may know, in addition to blogging here on Milling Around, I also contribute a quarterly column to Digital Machinist magazine about CNC machining topics of interest to hobbyists and small garage shops.  The Fall 2012 column is set to be on newsstands in the next week or so. 


CNC Workshops, Wine, and Linux (But not at the same time)

The blog has been on break a little longer than usual. Don't worry, we're still here - and lots is happening! PCNC mills helping to make Wine better! First, a very cool customer showcase from Tim at VinPerfect.


Digital Machinist 2011 CNC Workshop

Just got a note that registration is filling up fast, so mark your calendars- We'll be attending the Digital Machinist CNC Workshop again this year, June 21-24.

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