This post originally appeared on the In the Loupe blog.
This post originally appeared on the In the Loupe blog.
What Is Plunge Milling?
Have you got a tough job ahead, either because your machine is too lightweight or because of challenging geometry on the part (deep pockets, for example)? If so, maybe plunge milling (also called plunge roughing) is the answer.
General how to Mill face milling Milling face mill insert mill End Mill finish facing shell mill flycutter surface finish
When it comes to machining, there are always a bunch of ways to do the same cut. Ask five machinists how to do a specific operation, and you’re bound to get eight different answers. Face milling is no different.
how to CNC Lathe Milling 15L Slant-PRO cutting measuring turner's cube turning beginner lathe Lathe Projects lathe
If you’re already using a mill, a natural extension of your shop would be to add turning capabilities with a lathe. CNC milling and CNC lathe work are quite similar, but there are some glaring differences that are easy to miss if you’re new to turning.
The world of metalworking and machining is broad, in part because there are so many varieties of metal to play with. One of the most forgiving metals to cut is brass, and here’s four reasons we love to work with it.
General machine woodworking Mill speeds CNC wood milling wood Milling feeds cut cutting metals machining wood chips machining materials
Wood is a great material to cut when you first start learning to machine – it’s fast and cheap. But, machining in wood has a darker side as well.