CNC Workshops, Wine, and Linux (But not at the same time)

The blog has been on break a little longer than usual. Don't worry, we're still here - and lots is happening! PCNC mills helping to make Wine better! First, a very cool customer showcase from Tim at VinPerfect.


Digital Machinist 2011 CNC Workshop

Just got a note that registration is filling up fast, so mark your calendars- We'll be attending the Digital Machinist CNC Workshop again this year, June 21-24.


Icosahedron Machining? Ask a Geometrician

20-Sided Machining What's an Icosahedron? Tormach PCNC 770 Owner Chris Moller recently programmed a 20-sided part to cut on his 4th Axis with SprutCAM.


SuperSoft Jaw Remix (Ridiculous Egg Example)

My first SuperSoft Jaw movie was a good example for thin parts. But it neglected to show another strength - securely holding on to delicate objects for light machine work.


Teaching Integrated Manufacturing: PCNC 770 + 5 Axis Robot

Manufacturing Education is one of our passions here. Smart, well-rounded manufacturing professionals are needed around the world to solve the problems of tomorrow. Exposing students to hands-on manufacturing with real tools is essential, but too often neglected in the structure of formal engineering education. Improving this is what's at the core of our PCNC 770/Robotic work cell project.


New Features in Vectric VCarve Pro 6

Vectric VCarve Pro 6 was just released last week (along with a new version of its big brother, Aspire 3). While Vectric products fall firmly in the camp of "Specialty" CAM, they still have a lot to offer for the CNC machinist - they are a superior choice for engraving, relief carving, and other similar tasks.

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