At Tormach, we find ourselves visiting a lot of different trade shows since we touch people in so many different areas – from education to makers to heavy industry – and last week was no different.
At Tormach, we find ourselves visiting a lot of different trade shows since we touch people in so many different areas – from education to makers to heavy industry – and last week was no different.
For obvious reasons, we're pretty well-versed when it comes to machining here at Tormach. But throughout our company - in several different departments - we also have an array of makers. We've seen Tormach employees create everything from horseshoe lamps to remaking wedding rings to DIY 3D printers.
We’re all makers. Everybody that has touched, or been inspired to use, a CNC machine is a maker, and the community is growing. By the end of summer 2016, Tormach will have attended at least four Maker Faires around the U.S., and there are other Tormach enthusiasts that are involved other Maker Faires around the world.
Learning CNC making maker PCNC 1100 Makers makerspace PCNC maker faire STEAM tools Madison ITEEA Engineering STEM education
Last week, we had a visit from the Milwaukee Maker Space, which is just a short drive down the Interstate. And the week before, folks from a Madison, WI makerspace, known as The Bodgery, joined us for a product demo.
We welcomed our new PCNC 440 into the world last week, and then immediately hit the road to get to World Maker Faire in New York.
The maker movement is here. As the world of manufacturing is tipping toward smaller runs and more customized parts, legions of Makers have emerged to tinker, invent, engineer, and build things.