The blog has been on break a little longer than usual. Don't worry, we're still here - and lots is happening! PCNC mills helping to make Wine better! First, a very cool customer showcase from Tim at VinPerfect.
Get Inspired machine Prototyping workshop Milling PCNC mach3 controller ATC Digital Machinist Customer Projects
The blog has been on break a little longer than usual. Don't worry, we're still here - and lots is happening! PCNC mills helping to make Wine better! First, a very cool customer showcase from Tim at VinPerfect.
Here's some homework for those who preordered ATCs - We've made a couple videos to take you through the installation and alignment. They're actually kinda of fun to watch as well - Dan is a natural on camera (at least as far as engineers go). Enjoy!
Quick notes for today:
New to the website is a whole set of modular vise jaw plates for either of our 5" vises. Especially cool are the Pin Jaw and Multi-V Block Jaw Plates.
We're ready to begin the long awaited beta test for our ATC. If you're interested, we have a very (with a capital "V", that is!) limited number of beta units available.
So, we've had a lot of questions since we posted the power draw bar sneek peak last week. Lots and lots of questions about ATCs (automatic tool changers). Once a working drawbar is in place, its just a short walk around the block to a working ATC, right? Well, I think there will be an ATC option someday.