Supplyframe Speeds Up Design with a PCNC 1100

Daniel Hienzsch is the resident engineer at Supplyframe’s design lab in Pasadena, CA, where they use their PCNC 1100 for a broad array of engineering endeavors.


Making Art in Wood with a PCNC 770

Every month we get to have some fun cutting one of the parts from our Tormach Projects Library. This month we decided to go easy and create some art with a 3D relief in wood.


Making an Arduino Computer More Durable


An Arduino is a single-board computer that was originally designed as an open-source prototyping platform, but has evolved into being a powerful unit capable of controlling a number of different devices, robotics systems, art creations, and everything in between. Just do a Google search for Arduino projects, and you'll see the overwhelming capabilities of this little PCB. "What does that have to do with machining?" You might ask.


Tormach’s Busy Brand Ambassadors

The Tormach Brand Ambassadors have been busy making some incredibly interesting widgets, projects, and how-to content.


Sharing Pitfalls and Triumphs Helps PCNC Hobbyist Machine Better

In high school, it was shop class. In college and early in his career, he learned how to make airplane parts and aviation equipment. “I’ve always been interested in making and building things, but I’m just getting started in CNC,” Aaron Rogers, a CNC hobbyist, said. “I’ve just been doing some basic stuff, like making tools for the shop, - just odds and ends as I’m learning to use the Tormach.”


Making Chips at Maker Faire


This last weekend, bus-loads of makers descended on the New York Hall of Science in Queens to attend the 2016 World Maker Faire.

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