A new twist on 3D printers from Radiant Fabrication

  We've seen lots of Tormach owners and users launch their ideas through Kickstarter.  In that vein, here's a neat project with a Tormach connection from just a few miles down the road from our offices -  the Radiant Lionhead 3D Printer:


A Procedure for Digitizing using your PCNC Mill and Blender

We get a lot of questions into our technical department about how to get started with surface digitizing.    Digitizing, if you aren't familiar, is a technique that uses a touch probe to record a point cloud - basically a collection of XYZ coordinates that define a surface.


Notes from the Editor's Desk

That's Gold and Silver! David from Nagahara Flutes sent us this picture. Probably the most expensive pile of swarf that I've ever seen.


Teaching Integrated Manufacturing: PCNC 770 + 5 Axis Robot

Manufacturing Education is one of our passions here. Smart, well-rounded manufacturing professionals are needed around the world to solve the problems of tomorrow. Exposing students to hands-on manufacturing with real tools is essential, but too often neglected in the structure of formal engineering education. Improving this is what's at the core of our PCNC 770/Robotic work cell project.


Snow day? Not for SprutCAM Tutorials

Like much of the midwest, we've got snow up to our ears here in Wisconsin. If your snowbound like me, its a perfect day for boning up on SprutCAM. Here's a brand new tutorial on how to do multi-sided machining in a single program with multiple work offsets.


Groovin' for the ATC

We're  ready to begin the long awaited beta test for our ATC. If you're interested, we have a very (with a capital "V", that is!) limited number of beta units available.

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