An Automatic Bandsaw for Shop Efficiency Means Making More Money

People that know Tormach know us as a CNC machine tool company. Our 1100 mill has been the flagship machine for our company for more than a decade, but we have recently made our way into the world of fabrication with our AF50 Autofeed Bandsaw.


Tormach Website Remodeled to Make Finding What You Need Easier

One thing that we are always focused on here at Tormach is continuous improvement. That’s why the majority of our staff are engineers and machinists, why we make our machines upgradeable, and why we are always looking for new ways to make manufacturing more approachable.


Know Your Cutting Tools: Lathe Tooling Designations

 Whether you’re new to the world of turning or you’ve been using a lathe for years, it’s important to know your tools and the best way to use them. Lathe tooling designations are there to help, but they can be just as confusing as the tools themselves.


PathPilot Is Capable of More than You Might Think

PathPilot has helped a lot of Tormach users use their machines more efficiently and learn new ways of machining easily. For instance, PathPilot's conversational programming has been a game-changer for many makerspaces, educators, and even everyday machinists.


If You Love PathPilot, We Want Your Help

Tormach first launched PathPilot a little more than two years ago. We developed the control system in-house so we could adapt and improve the software quickly, and provide better customer support.


Coolant and Cutting Tools: How to Choose the Right System for the Job

Selecting the right coolant for the job may seem straight forward, but there had to be a reason there are so many options, so I started digging around. Here’s what I learned:

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