To set constant surface speed mode, program: G96 D~ S~
- D~ is the maximum spindle RPM. This word is optional.
- S~ is the surface speed.
NOTE: If G20 is the active mode, the value is interpreted as feet per minute. If G21 is the active mode, the value is interpreted as meters per minute
EXAMPLE – G96 D2500 S250 (set constant surface speed with a maximum RPM of 2500, and a surface speed of 250).
It’s an error if:
- S is not specified with G96
- A feed move is specified in G96 mode while the spindle is not turning
When using G96 (the most common mode of mill operation), X0 in the current coordinate system (including offsets and tool lengths) must be the spindle axis.
To set RPM mode, program: G97